Mikkeli Regional Library
Use the library!
User Regulations ensure an enjoyable library and well-functioning services for all! The library card is the customer’s copy of a mutual agreement regulated by the Library User Regulations. Below you can find information on the library card, borrowing, reservations and using the online library.

Our Library services
Learn, enjoy, collaborate – library is there for you!

Online catalogue
Search and find, make reservations and renew your loans

E-collections and more
Information search, databases and e-collections

For immigrants
Information for immigrants about using library services

Information about Mikkeli Regional Library collections.

Storytelling hours
Welcome to share storytimes with us!

Open stage
The library’s stage is open for different kinds of performances

Booking facilities
Information about our facilities and spaces

All our libraries have workstations for customers.

Our mission
Library promotes equal opportunities for everybody
Our service network
The service network of Mikkeli Regional Library extends to the area of four municipalities in Southern Savo. In addition to the Mikkeli main library located centrally near the marketplace, there are the local libraries in Anttola, Haukivuori, Otava, Ristiina and Suomenniemi as well as the regional libraries in Hirvensalmi and Puumala. Mikkeli Regional Library belongs to the Lumme Libraries system. Reserving and delivering materials between Lumme libraries is free of charge for the customer.
Library card
To receive a library card, a new customer must give their name and address and prove their identity. Guardian’s consent is required from children under 15 years of age. The first library card is free of charge. The card is valid in all Lumme libraries. The library card is personal. You cannot borrow materials without a library card. You are responsible for any materials borrowed with your card and for any materials borrowed with the card of a child under 15 years of age, if you have been registered as the child’s guardian. If your card is lost, inform the library immediately. You can get a new card by proving your identity with a photo ID card. The new card costs two euros.
Loan periods
The normal loan period is 28 days with the exception of: new and high-demand materials, reserved materials, magazines, DVDs and blurays, which have a 14 day loan period. After borrowing, you get a receipt showing all borrowed items and their due dates. The receipt also shows the amount of any accrued fees. Check the returning date from your receipt.
Limitations to the numbers of borrowed items
You can have a maximum of 100 items borrowed at a time, of which a maximum of: 20 DVDs and Blu-Rays, 5 videogames.
Renewing loans
You can renew loans in our online library https://lumme.finna.fi/. You can also renew loans by phone, +358 50 311 7480 (main library), or by calling the library where you borrowed the materials. We do not process any renewal requests by voicemail or text. To renew loans in the online library, you need a PIN code which you can get from the library. For data security reasons, we do not give out the PIN code by phone or e-mail. If you wish to renew your loans more than eight times in a row, you must go to the library to show the materials.
Due date reminder system
Upon request, you can receive due date reminders of your loans to your e-mail 1 to 7 days before the due date (you can choose the timing). However, failed reminders due to technical problems do not relieve you from any overdue fees.
Returning materials and overdue fees
You can return materials borrowed from Lumme libraries to any of the Lumme libraries. If the materials are not returned on time, you are liable to pay overdue fees. The fee amounts to 30 cents per loan per day and it starts accruing immediately after the due date. No overdue fees are collected for materials from the children’s departments; there is only a reminder fee (1 euro). Any materials returned outside library opening hours are processed on the next opening day of the library. Any materials that are overdue and returned outside opening hours accrue overdue fees according to the library payment policy during the closing time. Returning materials through the return hatch is at the customer’s own risk. Any unreserved materials can be renewed in the Lumme online library, by phone or by visiting the library. You need a library card number and a PIN code to renew loans in the online service.
You can reserve materials yourself in the online library if you have a Lumme library card and a PIN code for the online library. You cannot make reservations online if you have suspended borrowing privileges, over 10 euros of debt, a ”check identity” notification in your personal file, or if an invoice has been sent to you. You can also reserve materials by phone or by visiting the library.
Notification of arrival
You will be notified by e-mail or text message, according to your choice, when the reserved materials have arrived. We will keep the materials reserved for you for 7 working days. There is no reservation fee but unretrieved reservations are subject to a fee of 2 euro per item. The reservation can be cancelled in the online library, unless it has already been processed and on the way or retrievable. If the order has already been processed, you can cancel it by contacting the library chosen as the point of retrieval.
Change of address
Always keep your contact information up to date. The library’s customer register is not automatically updated from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. You can change your address in the online library or also by e-mail kirjasto(a)sivistys.mikkeli.fi.