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In English
Mikkelin seutukirjasto
Reservation form for exhibitions in the Mikkeli-Sali
Reservation form for exhibitions in the Mikkeli-Sali
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Dates of request (maximum of three (3) weeks)
Planned dates of the exhibition, for example 1.1.2019-14.1.2019
I'd like to reserve
All of Mikkeli-Sali (rent fee + alteration fee for 2 hours of janitor’s work)
Only the walls (library may organize events (for example training events) during the exhibition)
Name of the exhibition
Exhibition plan
(subject, contents, materials, date of setting up and dismantling of the exhibition, etc.):
For the exhibition I'll require
Amount of partitions
Amount of showcases
Entrance fees
Free of charge
Entrance fee
Billing address
Personal identification numbers of private customers (required for billing)
Business ID (Y-tunnus) for companies and associations
I wish the library will inform of this event
at library’s website
at library’s social media
The reserver must agree with the library, will the library inform of the event at it’s website and Facebook page. The reserver informs the media. Please deliver possible posters and brochures at least a week before the event to the library.
I oblige to take care of all the costs and practical measures affiliated with the exhibition and the security if needed.
The library is not held responsible of the exhibition material. If the organizer of the exhibition does not follow the user regulations of Mikkeli-Sali, the permit for the exhibition can be revoked and the exhibition dismantled. We will check if the date you requested is available and will either confirm the date or suggest a new one. If you’d like to print yourself the filled form, print it before you use the send -command.
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